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All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. Acts 2:44-47

All Donations are tax deductible and we will send a letter at the end of the year

Become a Sponsor

To become a CIA Global Missions Sponsor please select one of the 3 options above. The individual plan at $27.00, the business plan at $102.00 or a custom amount. Select the monthly option and follow the instructions. The same amount will be automatically deducted from your account every month at the date of the first donation. All transactions are safe and encrypted.

Torne-se um patrocinador


Para se tornar um Patrocinador Global de Missões da CIA, selecione uma das 3 opções acima. O plano individual é de US $ 27,00, o plano de negócios é de US $ 102,00 ou um valor personalizado. Selecione a opção mensal e siga as instruções. O mesmo montante será automaticamente deduzido da sua conta todos os meses à data da primeira doação. Todas as transações são seguras e criptografadas

Conviértase en un patrocinador


Para convertirse en un Patrocinador de Misiones Globales de CIA, seleccione una de las 3 opciones encima. El plan individual a $ 27.00, el plan de negocios a $ 102.00 o un plan personalizado. Seleccione la opción mensual y siga las instrucciones. La misma cantidad se deducirá automáticamente de su cuenta todos los meses a la fecha de la primera donación. Todas las transacciones son seguras y encriptadas


We are a christian non-profit organization

with a global initiative to create and establish a platform to help those in need.


Atlanta Georgia - USA



© 2023 by Lifestream Consulting -

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